Five clubs feature in new Naked Rugby Players calendar, raising money for Balls To Cancer
Popular charity calendar now in its fifth year, with cheeky images for 2023 edition including players from Glasgow Raptors, Bristol Bisons, Nottinghamshire Hurricanes, Newcastle Ravens and Northampton Outlaws in “daring and exciting locations”; significant donation from sales will go to support Balls To Cancer…

Brave backs and fearless forwards from five gay and inclusive clubs across England and Scotland have stripped off for the new edition of the Naked Rugby Players charity calendar, raising money for Balls To Cancer.
It’s the fifth year of the calendar and as well as making a big difference with a generous donation, there are additional targets too – to raise awareness of testicular cancer and to help boost the profile of inclusive rugby.
There are 13 brand-new daring and cheeky images for the 2023 collection, with Bristol Bisons gracing the cover, and Glasgow Raptors, Nottinghamshire Hurricanes, Newcastle Ravens and Northampton Outlaws also featuring inside.
You can also get six of the best snaps to buy as Christmas cards!
The 45 players all stripped off for photo shoots earlier this year and are stressing the importance for guys to check their tackle for lumps and bumps, in partnership with the Balls To Cancer charity. So far, the calendar has helped raise over £15,000 for good causes and hopes are high to hit £20,000.
“It’s always a pleasure to get out in the open with rugby teams across the UK,” says the calendar’s creative director, Jake Hook.
“This year, we’ve managed to shoot the calendar in a variety of daring and exciting locations. I love how the players, always start a little shy, but within minutes of taking off their clothes, like magic, all their inhibitions have disappeared – sometimes it’s hard to get them to even put their clothes back on!
“As always, we’re privileged to team up with the incredible Balls To Cancer charity, which provides much-needed awareness, support and resources for people living with cancer, and for their families.”
200,000 men are diagnosed with cancer every year – and 80,000 of those will die from their cancer. One in two men will suffer cancer in the UK during their lifetimes.
Cancers which are detected early, such as testicular cancer, are beatable – but only if the message gets through that men should check their equipment regularly, which is why the Naked Rugby Players calendar features a cheeky monthly reminder.
Order the Naked Rugby Players 2023 Calendar for just £12 – it’s the perfect Christmas gift!
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