Quiztorical raises £888 for Diversity Role Models
Sports Media LGBT+’s first charity quiz night event proves a big success…
In the middle of LGBT+ History Month in February, we asked a roomful of generous quizzers to delve deep into their memory banks – and their wallets!
The difficulty level was high, but so was the generosity on show at The Railway Tavern in Whitechapel. A big thank you to the 12 teams who came along to ‘Quiztorical!’, where the entry fees and raffle money brought in a total on the night of £588 – topped by a £300 bonus courtesy of Sky.
Stonewall FC and friends survived a gruelling Wipeout round to walk away with the honours and the title of inaugural Quiztorical champions, with our referee and joint quizmaster Ryan Atkin on hand to make the presentations.
The money raised goes to our chosen charity, Diversity Role Models, whose current ‘4’ campaign is all about the importance of inclusive education. With £4 the cost of delivering a DRM workshop to one pupil, our contribution will mean 222 more will benefit from hearing stories and learning about LGBT+ people and allies from the charity’s volunteers.
We’re proud to be able to support DRM in this way and we look forward to building on our relationship in the future.
Emma Miller-McCaffrey, DRM’s community engagement manager, said: “This is amazing news! A massive thank you for running the quiz for us.”
Will Fletcher, head of operations, added: “It’s a great amount and will really help make a difference to us at DRM.”
Connect with us at Sports Media LGBT+ and find out how we can support each other – email info@sportsmedialgbt.com to learn more.
Further reading…
‘Rainbow Ready’: Our new media and comms resources on LGBT+ in sports