Sport Pride calls on global LGBT+ sports community

Published by Jon Holmes on

We’re proud to be a part of Sport Pride 2020! Get involved by posting a personal message. Here’s all you need to know…

By Jon Holmes

This weekend, the world will unite for Global Pride – and for our community of sports fans, athletes and media across the planet, it’s also important to mark Sport Pride 2020!

We’ve always been firm believers that football, rugby, cricket, tennis and all the other sports and activities we love should be at the heart of Pride celebrations.

In recent years, national governing bodies, organisations and clubs have increasingly lent their support, following the lead of the Gay Games, the European Lesbian & Gay Sport Federation (ELGSF), and many other inspirational LGBT+-inclusive grassroots groups and teams.

We can’t get together in person for Pride this summer – but we can show our support online, and that’s what Sport Pride is all about.

On Saturday, June 27, you’re being encouraged to take part by posting to social with the hashtag #SportPride2020.

How did Sport Pride begin?

The rallying cry began with our friends at the Lesbian and Gay Association of Germany (LSVD); Fussballfans Gegen Homophobie; Queer Football Fanclubs; F_in Network Women in Football; and Football Supporters Europe.

Thanks to you all for getting this initiative off the ground! You can see a full list of supporting networks, clubs and associations, personalities, and media partners on the website.

We’re proud to stand with you. Here’s our statement…

At Sports Media LGBT+, we believe that sharing personal stories and sporting passions are powerful ways to bring people together. #SportPride2020 is an exciting opportunity to unite globally and celebrate the many contributions which members of our community make in sport, and we’re thrilled to be part of it. Representation truly matters and seeing lesbian, gay, bi and trans people participating and achieving in football, rugby, tennis, athletics and other activities helps others know they can be authentic and successful in whichever sport they love.

Sports Media LGBT+’s statement for #SportPride2020

The aim of the activation is to help make all people in sport who are part of our LGBT+ and allies community visible worldwide, and show that we stand together in the fight against discrimination.

The call is also being supported by a wide range of sports associations and clubs, including the German Football Association (DFB).

How can I get involved?

It’s so easy! Everybody can participate – whether LGBT+ or not; whether a sports association, club, athlete, or coach; whether professional, amateur, a recreational athlete, or fan.

Post your personal Pride message on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and other social media platforms on Saturday, June 27, with the hashtags #SportPride2020 and #GlobalPride.

Here’s mine…

I’ve been working in sports media here in the UK for almost 20 years – but I’ve only been out as a gay man in the industry since 2014. The office spaces and environments I worked in weren’t always welcoming for LGBT+ people. However, in recent years, that’s changed for the better for me and I believe the wider sports media industry is improving on inclusion too. Sport Pride 2020 is an opportunity for everyone involved in sport to come together and recognise the contributions of the LGBT+ community and our allies. I’m proud that Sports Media LGBT+ is a part of this important event.

Jon Holmes, founder and lead of Sports Media LGBT+

We look forward to reading your #SportPride2020 messages on Saturday, June 27!

Learn more about Sport Pride on their website.

Follow @sportpridenet on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Further reading…

Pride Month: Communicating LGBT+ Inclusion in Sport

About Sports Media LGBT+ in 2020

Jon Holmes

Digital Sports Editor