Sports Media LGBT+

Helping to build a community of LGBT+ people and allies in sport

‘Shine that spotlight!’ – why you need to nominate for the Football v Homophobia Awards

“The more beacons we put out there, the better,” says 2022 FvH Cymru award winner Delwyn ‘Sheep’ Derrick; FC Bellevue founder encourages everyone doing LGBTQ+ inclusion work in the game to put themselves and others forward before 20 January deadline; listen to the new FvH Podcast to learn more about the FvH Awards…

‘Those chants can put you further in the closet’ – LGBTQ+ fans discuss on Football v Homophobia Podcast

Anger, annoyance, and the knowledge that a “nuanced” approach is needed – the reactions of gay supporters to the recent spate of homophobic chanting; listen to new episode now; Chelsea fan Jake Williamson and Pride of Irons co-founder Jim Dolan are guests alongside FC Bellevue’s Delwyn ‘Sheep’ Derrick, who gives an ally’s perspective…

‘Out Olympians have inspired so many other LGBTQ+ people – let’s investigate the impact’

At London 2012, there were 23 out LGBTQ+ athletes competing – at Tokyo 2020, there were at least 186; Dr David Eldridge is part of a team of academics studying the impact of this surge in visibility; he writes about his own sporting journey and lays out an exciting opportunity for researchers interested in this topic…

The Sports Media LGBT+ Review of 2022: Brittney freed, Pride of Lionesses and Jake’s joy

No more lockdowns but lots of upheaval in 2022; Heartstopper made us happy cry, and we shed tears of joy at Wembley in late July; there was advocacy for freedom and authenticity around the Commonwealth Games and Qatar 2022, with mixed results; all that and more in our annual lookback at the year just gone…

Justin Fashanu Statue fundraiser launches: ‘It’s about much more than football’

Taslim Martin, one of Britain’s leading sculptors, will create statue of Norwich legend who was the first out gay professional footballer; “we hope to prompt awareness of homophobia in sport and conversations about how to make football a happy and safe space for all,” says campaign lead Andrew Reynolds from Proud Canaries…

Stealth tactic gets rainbow flags into World Cup stadiums in Qatar via ‘Pride Nation’ filter

Brazilian magazine Corner provides augmented reality filter option that transforms every flag into a Pride flag; filter is a safe way to show solidarity for those attending World Cup games in Qatar; “We’ll always stand for human rights. That’s why this campaign was born,” says Corner’s founder and editor…