Sports Media LGBT+ in 2018

Published by Jon Holmes on

Sports Media LGBT+ is a network group for those in the industry who are LGBT, and for our allies. Through the power of media and journalism, we advocate for all LGBT people in sport. More background in our About section.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor to this website or you’ve been here before, welcome along.

Our continuing aims and objectives:

Whether you’re already employed in sports media in some shape or form, or it’s a profession which interests you, you’d be welcome as a member of our network for LGBT+ people and allies. Email or use our Contact form to get in touch – we’ll also add you to our mailing list.

Our network communicates via meet-ups and get-togethers; through social media on Twitter and Facebook; and via approval-required groups on LinkedIn, Facebook (‘Sports Media LGBT+ (Members)’) and WhatsApp. If you’re interested in joining any of those groups, please let us know.

Below is a calendar of events, which is frequently updated. If you’d like more information on any of these events, or you’d like your own event to be featured, we’re happy to help.

Items on our 2018 agenda were:

  • #AuthenticMe – our first event, which we held on October 9, examining how authenticity affects performance for LGBT people in sport
  • conducting a survey to assess LGBT inclusion in sports media – see the results
  • #21QuestionsWith – a website feature sharing the experiences of sports media professionals who are LGBT or allies, in order to inspire and empower other journalists, editors, broadcasters etc
  • continue to connect with LGBT people in sport – from grassroots to professional, from athletes to administrators, from the terraces to the pitch – and work with them to explore how their stories can inspire others. Could you share a story for Rainbow Laces?
  • producing resources that offer useful information to those in sports media on covering stories with LGBT angles, and for the benefit of those involved in sport who are LGBT, advice on how the media operates

Please get in touch to learn more about Sports Media LGBT+ and how we can help you.

Some of our recent articles

Rainbow Laces in Review
Attitudes improving amid the rainbows
Share a story for Rainbow Laces
Sports Media LGBT+ Survey Results
‘Amazing, inspiring’: #AuthenticMe at the BBC
Decrease and development: Reflections on D Word 3
‘Sometimes I’m still scared to be me’: National Coming Out Day
Take the Sports Media LGBT+ Survey
What did we learn from the Rainbow Laces Summit?
21 Questions With… Daniel Trainor
21 Questions With… Jack Murley
Recommended! Where to go for LGBT sports content
21 Questions With… Lee Hurley
Sharing Collin Martin’s story: Q&A with Megan Ryan
Rainbow Laces roundtable held
It’s good to talk about being gay in football

Looking for a fresh start? Check out the Jobs page on BCOMS for the latest vacancies

Dates for the diary in 2019

February – LGBT History Month in the UK

FebFootball v Homophobia Month

Tue 5 Feb#StrongerTogether – Just A Ball Game? seminar event at Wembley

Mon 25 FebSJA British Sports Journalism Awards (London) – deadline for entries: Wed 16 Jan

Categories: Network News

Jon Holmes

Digital Sports Editor